A collage depicting a woman of advanced age, a racialized person reading a document, a person with long hair, and a racialized person with dread locks


Engage with news media featuring Feminuity and our team members in some of Canada's largest publications.

Navigating the New Economy: Why DEI is Mission-Critical for Canada’s Business Future

Should You Talk About Politics at Work? The Answer Might Surprise You

10 signs you’re not fit to lead people

Business Woman of the Month: Dr. Sarah Saska

The Future Of LGBTQ+ Inclusion: 12 Trends And Opportunities For Improvement

DEI, AI, and Diversity Washing with Dr. Sarah Saska, Co-Founder & CEO of Feminuity

Women lead here—but why do so many of them leave?

Here’s Something That Could Get Women the Salary We Deserve

How To Support Immigrants In The Workforce

The Problem with Workplace Wellness Programs? They Don’t Work for Everyone

Workplace wellness programs often fail to meet the diverse needs of employees. Dr. Saska emphasizes the importance of addressing systemic issues and adopting a collective approach to well-being in the workplace.
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What a Four-Day Work Week Would Mean for Women

Is the four-day workweek really the one-size-fits-all reset we need? Or does “forced flexibility” for only a portion of working women have the potential to deepen inequity? Dr. Sarah Saska weighs in.
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Ramadan Highlights How Workplaces Can Better Support Muslim Employees

Dr. Saska spoke with Tara Deschamps of The Canadian Press about why companies are not making religious issues as much of a priority as gender, as an example, and how companies can tangibly support Muslim team members.
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As Layoffs Disproportionately Affect Women and Racialized Talent, Is There A Way To Make Them Equitable?

Dr. Saska spoke with Déjà Leonard for the Globe's Weekly Careers Newsletter about the consequences of using a “last in, first out” approach.
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What If You Became Best Friends With Your Competition?

What if “women supporting women” was a real, tangible, and invaluable way to thrive in your career? Dr. Sarah Saska explores this rich possibility with Avery Francis and Shavonne Hasfal-McIntosh.
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Generative AI Will Test What's Worse: Biased Data or User Bad Faith

Dr. Saska guides us through the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) considerations when it comes to generative AI and the risk of bias in the machine.
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The Holiday Office Party is Back. Here’s How to Ensure It’s Fun for Everyone

Dr. Saska spoke with Saira Peesker about how to create a successful, worthwhile holiday gathering as more organizations plan for in-person interaction.
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We Need to Talk About Menopause in the Workplace

Did you know new research shows that 1 in 10 women leave the workforce because of menopause? Dr. Saska speaks with Sarah Laing about the intersection of ageism and sexism, the general ignorance around menopause, and how to bring it to leadership's attention.
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How Does Hockey Canada Re-Build?

Dr. Saska discusses Hockey Canada's biggest mistakes following the troubling revelations with Keri Adams and Jason Pires and outlines an effective game plan moving forward.
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How To Honour Indigenous People on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Dr. Saska speaks with John Dujay about the first-ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a statutory holiday and how people can honour and reflect on the country’s troubling past.
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Questioning The Monarchy's Colonial Past

The Queen's death brought up a lot of complicated feelings about Britain's colonial past and present. Dr. Saska shares some thoughts with Colton Praill about the importance of telling human stories in all of their complexity.
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DEI Needs To Be About More Than Written Reports and Empty Promises

Dr. Saska shares some thoughts about the "ebbs and flows" of DEI efforts with Shellene Drakes-Tull. Indeed, too many strategies are not built with longevity in mind or owned by the entire group. And they're certainly not prioritized during economic instability.
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How Can Workplaces Better Support Their Employees in a Post-Roe World?

Dr. Saska and Maeve Plummer share with Victoria Christie ways workplaces can provide support, guidance, and understanding to their teams in a post-Roe world.
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Corporate Diversity Roles Fraught With Retention Issues, Emotional Toll

Dr. Saska and Steph Rebello speak with Tara Deschamps about experiencing burnout in under-resourced, surface-level corporate DEI. Indeed, being the lone expert on a complicated topic meant to transform every corner of a company is difficult.
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Cancel Culture and Accountability In The Workplace

Dr. Saska spoke with Ian White about zero tolerance policies, due process, and how "blaming and shaming" doesn't encourage people to be better. Indeed, it's important to afford people space to learn and grow. No one's perfect!
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Why Understanding Intersectionality Is A Crucial Step In Creating Inclusive Workplaces

People’s overlapping identities and lived experiences can complicate their relationship to prejudice and oppression. Dr. Saska explains to Déjà Leonard how organizations can support those most marginalized in the workplace.
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Tips For Being More Accessible and Inclusive on Social Media

Dr. Saska shares tips with Amber Mac and Michael B on how to "get outside of ourselves" to be accessible and inclusive on social media. Skip to 23:20 to engage with these tips!
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Paid Menstrual Leave Is So Much More Than Just A Day Off

Dr. Saska shares with Sarah Laing the importance of carefully crafting a period leave policy by considering menstrual discrimination, benevolent sexism, and disclosure.
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Who Gets Left Out When We Talk About Professional Office Attire?

Dr. Saska and KT Forward explain to Victoria Christie that "professional" office attire leaves many women and nonbinary folks feeling ostracized as it is often coded in racist, sexist, ableist, sizeist, and classist ideologies.
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How RFPs Can Undermine DEI Efforts

Dr. Saska speaks with Justin Crann about how the Request For Proposal (RFP) process is antithetical to equity-centric principles and often creates hurdles for business owners experiencing marginalization.
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Has Working From Home Killed The Office Dress Code For Good?

Dr. Saska shares with Sarah Laing why carefully constructed dress codes are really important in workplaces. Indeed, the absence of official guidelines can cause more problems than you'd think.
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How To Make The Holidays More Inclusive

Dr. Saska explains to John Dujay how workplaces can more inclusively plan for the holiday season by auditing the Christmas party budget, implementing flexible time off policies, and considering non-normative experiences, as examples.
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Why We Should Talk About Antisemitism in the Workplace: A Discussion for DEI and HR Professionals

Dr. Saska joins Oren Jacobson, Vlad Khaykin, and Lisa Moving for a discussion led by Tema Smith.
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Unconscious Bias and The Auto Industry

Dr. Saska explains to Vawn Himmelsbach how unconscious bias can be found throughout the lifecycle of a vehicle; from product design, to sales and marketing, to the customer experience at the dealership. The results range from offensive, disappointing, to dangerous (when you're not the normative default.)
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How HR and People Leaders Can Create an LGBTQ2+ Inclusive Workplace Culture

Dr. Saska and Maeve Plummer lead a webinar on how leaders can create a more inclusive culture for non-binary team members through building a shared language and designing inclusive benefits, as examples.
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What We Got Wrong And What We Learned From It

Dr. Saska participates in a panel moderated by Sean Silcoff alongside Damien Hooper-Campbell, Danny Guillory, and Annie Jean-Baptiste.
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We’re On the Verge of a Diversity Debt Crisis

Dr. Saska gives a talk in Toronto where she argues that it's up to us to guide technology and the disruption that comes with it through the decisions we make on a daily basis as citizens, consumers, and investors.
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