Learn With Us

We offer learning experiences that meet you wherever you are whether that's still building some foundational understanding or ready to dig deeper.

Learning Is Our Bread and Butter

We understand that surface-level training simply isn’t enough and a “one-size-fits-all” approach won't work.

We prioritize capacity-building, actionable outcomes moving learners beyond awareness to tangible changes.

Our engaging learning experiences are led by expert facilitators who push boundaries and nurture lifelong learners.

All our educational sessions feature highly interactive group learning and include a post-session resource to support ongoing learning.

Explore the following learning paths and choose one that matches your team's readiness.

Start With Level-UP
For teams at all stages interested in online training, this flagship learning experience offers a comprehensive curriculum. Learners will leave feeling confident about their ability to make a positive impact at work.
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Lay The Foundation
For teams at the beginning of their learning journey, our foundational learning experiences cover a range of 101-style topics, such as allyship, bystander intervention, accessibility, cultural competency, inclusive leadership, and more. 
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Build Team Capacity
For teams ready for more focused, skill-based training, this learning experience is designed to enhance team competencies, covering areas such as benefits, governance, inclusive product design, and more.
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Learning Services to Support Your Journey

Align Learning with Business Goals
Create learning pathways aligned with your goals with a Competency Framework.

Design Learning Journeys
Develop plans that build skills and support behaviour change with a Learning Plan.

Enhance Learning with Feedback
Measure and improve learning efforts with Learning Impact Assessments.

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Are your learning services accessible?

We’re committed to improving the accessible and inclusive design of all learning experiences and encourages feedback at learning@feminuity.org. From the design of our course curriculums to the visual elements used in your presentations to our approach to facilitation, and choices of platforms and tools, Feminuity strives to reflect leading inclusive and accessible design principles. To support our clients' cultural diversity, we offer sessions in English, French (Canadian), and Spanish.
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Some of my team is starting their journey, while others are more advanced. Help!

We meet teams where they are and help you to bring everyone together on the journey. Courses like Level-UP are suitable for anyone in the early stages of their journey who wants an intensive and progressive learning experience.
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We have a limited budget but need support. Can you help us?

Affordability is a part of accessibility for us. Our services are priced to meet budget-conscious teams and those facing financial constraints. Level-UP, particularly, can be exceptionally affordable as it is a digital solution and easily scaled.
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What can we do to make sure the content is relevant to our organization?

We love working with organizations that want to customize the educational experience for their people. We offer “off-the-shelf” or custom learning experiences, and we’ll work with your team to understand your needs design a learning journey that’s right for your organization.
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Do you provide learners with any resources or handouts?

Yes, this is a significant part of our learning experiences! Learners receive a post-session resource filled with information and resources to support continuous learning. Our Level-UP learning experience offers a digital learning and resource guide to take notes, complete activities, recap learnings, and set actionable goals.
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Can we record the workshop or webinar?

We do not allow for recordings of workshops as they are highly interactive and learners may not feel comfortable being vulnerable in a recorded space. We may allow webinars to be recorded if this requested in advance and communicated to learners prior to the session. Recordings must be deleted within an agreed upon window. 
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Should the learning experience be mandatory?

When launching any type of diversity-related learning within an organization, we recommend that you strongly encourage people to engage with it but never mandate it. Research indicates that people often respond to compulsory courses with anger and resistance, and many learners report more animosity toward other groups afterward.

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