Leading With Values and Designing for Equity

How Feminuity helped this small but mighty organzation design a DEI strategy based on their data and values that champions flexibility, agency, and cross-functional teams.

CLIENT: Participate
‍LOCATION: Toronto
Assess     Design

Participate wanted a DEI strategy based on their data and values. They also needed a model to implement and sustain their efforts long term. They tagged in Feminuity to help them make their intention a reality.

Participate underwent a Comprehensive Assessment to uncover barriers to DEI and pinpoint improvement opportunities. They then engaged in a series of a DEI Strategy Co-Design sessions to develop a strategy that champions flexibility, agency, and cross-functional teams. They witnessed organizational progress and collaboration in a way they didn’t anticipate. 

Over 60% of full-time staff directly participated in organization-wide DEI strategy development and implementation. Moreover, since the conclusion of the collaboration, Participate has benefited from important staff hires and teams benefit from a new mentorship structure and feedback opportunities. By giving everyone a stake in DEI work, the company’s values became truly engrained from top to bottom.