Portrait of Rebecca Heaton

Rebecca Heaton

Inclusive & Accessible Communications Lead

She, Her

Rebecca is a writer, storyteller, investigator, and feminist who works with Feminuity to implement inclusive and accessible communication practices. She cares deeply about creating spaces where everyone feels like they belong.

Rebecca believes that every individual should be in the driver’s seat of their own life and that telling a single story is not only unjust but dangerous. She is constantly learning and growing, whether through formal certification or having conversations with others with different experiences.

Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies, a Master of Media in Journalism and Communication, and a Diversity & Inclusion certificate. She enjoys melding her communication skills and feminist lens to work with organizations and communities fighting the good fight. An area of particular interest to her is the caregiving crisis. Long term, she hopes to influence change in this area, be a civic leader, and reconfigure "business as usual" to align with the 21st century needs of the non-nuclear family.

Rebecca grew up playing sports and learned the importance of teamwork and accountability early on. She is the proud daughter of a powerful lawyer and a caring father who pushed her and never made her feel limited.

In her spare time, Rebecca spoils her dog, scopes out the best new Indian restaurant, or indulges in a bubble bath.